Moving Forward
Hello Friend. Welcome back. Thank you for being here!
So, you may have noticed that I did not post last week. I needed to take a week off to really contemplate what I wanted to do with my blog. I looped you in last week about the thoughts and challenges I was struggling with and I just needed more time to really think about it and decide.
A decision was made. I want to be more aligned with who I am now instead of who I was prior to 2020. I used to travel a lot for work, but I have been in one location for several years now and I don’t have any intention of returning to so much travel in the future. I want to bring you guys along with my current self and the values and interests I hold today rather than explore what I did for the last decade that feels very irrelevant now, especially post-pandemic. This version of me is what I want to embrace and share with you.
With that being said, Travel Empath is going to have a massive overhaul and renaming. The web address is likely going to change as well so keep an eye out on my Instagram and Facebook pages for updates about the new name and the new website launch.
I will still keep past blog posts available for reading on a separate tab for the foreseeable future in case you wish to go back and read about past adventures.
I will also post at least one more time before all changes are made to notify you that the new blog is opening soon and introduce you to it! So until then, please have patience with me while I work on it. I am a one woman show with an extremely limited time frame to do anything extracurricular.
Thank you for being here with me this last year while I recapped my adventures and examined feelings with you. (Though the feelings thing might continue because of who I am as a person.) To the comments I received on any of my posts, thank you so much. It made me feel less alone in this endeavor. I hope you’ll take this step forward together with me too!
I have a lot of work to do to get the new blog set up, so this post is short this week. Until next time my friend!